Sunday, April 5, 2015


My Personal Chromosome #9: 

DDX58:  Dead
This gene helps with RNA recognition and regulating immune responses. It encodes a protein with RNA Dead-box protein.

NOTCH1: Notch 1
A transmembrane protein that aids in developmental process through controlling the fate of what a cell is going to do.  Signals cells that are right next to each other and regulates their interactions.

ENG: Endoglin
Encodes for a transmembrane protein that is a vascular endothelium (interior tissue of vessels) glycoprotein (carbohydrate and protein).  Part of the "transforming growth factor beta receptor complex" (form of cell to cell communication). Mutations can cause hereditary diseases such as Osler-Rendu-Weber Syndrome 1, preeclampsia in pregnant women and cancer.

RXRA: Retinoid X Receptor Alpha
Help mediate effects of retinoids (Vitamin A compounds).  Promotes the binding of molecules in order to transcribe sequences for target genes.

ADAMTS13: Adametallopeptidase with Thrombospondin Type 1
Encodes an enzyme that leads to von Willebrand Factor (protein that stops blood loss).  Defects in the gene cause blood clots to form in blood vessels.

SYK: Spleen Tyrosine Kinase
Expressed in hematopoietic cells (blood producing).  Pair immunoreceptors with certain biological events and mediate a cellular response. Possibly a tumor suppressor and may play a role in tissue growth.

ABO: ABO Blood Group
Encodes proteins for the different blood groups, A, B and O.  Blood types are dependent on which type of allele (alternative form of a gene) is present.

TLR4: Toll-like Receptor 4
Plays a very definitive role in recognizing pathogens (diseases) and starting an immune response.  Once they recognize a certain pathogen they aid in the production of cytokines (promotes immunity cells).

My favorite gene is TLR4, Toll-like Receptor 4.  I chose this gene because it actively plays a role in immune response and fighting against disease.  The gene is able to recognize a pathogen and signal specific cells to take care of it.  I find it interesting because it aids in keeping our bodies healthy, often before we ever know the pathogen exists in our bodies.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.  DNA Interactive.  DNA Learning Center, 2003.
          Web. April 5,  2015.

Johnson, Michael D.  Human Biology Concepts and Current Issues.  Illinois:  Pearson
          Education, Inc. 2014.  Print.

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