Sunday, April 5, 2015


DNA Technologies

The DNA technology I am most excited about and interested in is gene therapy.  This field has a lot going on and has the potential to improve or save many lives.  Gene therapy is putting certain human genes directly into cells in an attempt to change the cells behavior.  By doing this, the cell would no longer facilitate or create a disease.  This may stop cells from differentiating into tumors other or disease processes.  Part of the problem with gene therapy is isolating the gene that causes these diseases, then being able to target enough cells to make a difference.  If the gene is introduced to only a small amount of cells, than it may not be enough to change the environment.  However, if scientist's can find a way to  seek out the specific cells that cause the disease and infiltrate a majority of them, it could change the way the cell behaves.  Possibly forever.    Another issue is that even if gene therapy does work in certain individuals, it is not guaranteed to work in their off spring.

Injection of genes into human cell. (No directly, of course)

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